360° /VR short film


Mayflower Reflections is a VR film that explores the momentous story of the Mayflower voyage of 1620 and its contemporary parallels to modern migration. From the English churches of the early 1600s to the present day, Mayflower Reflections looks back at our past to question how we can make positive changes for our future.

With over 100,000 views, Mayflower Reflections has resonated with audiences worldwide, earning recognition at prestigious festivals and awards in both the UK and the USA.

8 festival laurels

This virtual exploration transcends boundaries, offering a unique perspective on the shared human experience of migration.

Immerse yourself fully in the narrative by watching the full film above.

While the experience is optimized for VR headsets, you can still enjoy it on your desktop or mobile device.

  • On mobile, simply move your phone around to explore different angles, bringing the story to life in a dynamic and engaging way.

  • For laptop or desktop screens, click and drag your mouse to navigate the entire scene, ensuring that every detail of this thought-provoking journey is within your grasp.

Mayflower Reflections isn't just a film; it's an opportunity to connect with our collective history and contemplate the future we want to shape. Join us on this virtual voyage, and let the echoes of the past guide us towards a more compassionate and understanding future.

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